How Can Low Testosterone Levels Affect Women’s Health

Low testosterone levels can affect women’s health in many physical, emotional, mental and sexual ways. Here are some of the ways that low T can have an impact on how a woman looks and feels:
She may physically be dealing with:
Loss of energy | Sleep deprivation from having the inability to sleep at night |
Feeling fatigued | Poor vision |
A lack of stamina | Loss of memory |
A lack of vigor and vitality | Lethargy |
Body, muscle and joint aches and pains | Lack of endurance |
Sickness with the cold or flu more often due to a weakened immune system |
She may internally be dealing with:
Higher than normal cholesterol levels | Risk for heart attack, stroke and/or diabetes |
Higher than normal triglyceride levels | A slower metabolism |
Weak bone density that can lead to brittle bones that can fracture or break easily | Weight gain |
Risk for developing the disease osteoporosis | Muscle loss |
Organs that do not grow | The inability to fight infection or to heal from sickness or wounds |
She may be sexually dealing with:
- Lack of sexual libido
- The inability to achieve an orgasm
- Vaginal dryness
She may have physical characteristics like:
Wrinkled skin | Thinning hair |
Sagging skin | Looking haggard and worn out |
Crow’s feet | Nails that will not grow |
She may mentally and emotionally feel:
Apathetic | Agitated |
Sad | Emotionally unstable |
Depressed | Mentally foggy |
Anxious | Less mentally aware |
Irritable | Forgetful |
Moody |
All of the above mentioned symptoms can occur because testosterone levels have dipped in a woman’s system. Not much attention has been paid to testosterone and women’s health because this hormone has been most commonly viewed as a male’s hormone, but females need it too. Without it, their organs and systems will not work at optimal performance. It is now time to pay attention to testosterone and women’s health too; not just testosterone for men’s health.
Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Improve Women’s Health
Testosterone replacement therapy is one of the best ways to improve women’s health when the issue causing the symptoms being experienced is low T. Greenberg Health has helped many women across the US to look and feel more youthful, energetic and healthier in physical, emotional, sexual and mental ways. TRT is a therapy that works to naturally improve health with bio-identical medication.
Aging is inevitable and when a person grows older, their testosterone levels will decrease; in both men and women. This will leave both genders with different problems that can range in severity from mild to life altering. One of the causes for these problems could be low T levels; something that has been overlooked by the traditional medical profession for too long. Not anymore now that Greenberg Health can make a difference.
Medical science is now paying more attention to testosterone and women’s health than ever before.
By raising testosterone levels to just the right balance in a woman’s system, she can be looking and feeling stronger than ever in her adult life. When she sees wrinkles disappearing and skin becoming tighter along with feeling more vibrant, stronger, less forgetful and at an attractive weight, her self esteem will improve, along with her will to live a full of quality life. She will see her relationships improving with others and with herself.
How Does Greenberg Health Help With Testosterone And Women’s Health
Women will be given a cream to apply when she is diagnosed by Greenberg Health with low T. She will not use injections because she does not need as much testosterone as a man does. However, a prescription and medical supervision still need to be put into place along with a treatment plan in order for her to see safe and legal changes in both her body and in her mind.
Women will still need to take the same precautions and follow the same instructions to begin TRT as men do. It all begins with:
- A phone call to Greenberg Health
A dialogue about symptoms and goals for therapy will begin between an expert clinical advisor and the patient. This is the time to ask questions about this kind of treatment and for an advisor to teach all that is involved in testosterone replacement therapy.
- An appointment will be set up by the advisor for testing
This is when the patient will get the expertise of a qualified practitioner in a clinic in her area for blood work, a physical examination and she will share a medical history. The appointment is set up by our professional advisors for the patient’s convenience. All the client has to do is to show up during her scheduled time.
- When testing is completed, the doctors at Greenberg Health will then analyze the blood work to see if low T is involved.
The professional will also scrutinize the physical exam results and medical history to ensure that the patient is otherwise healthy enough for TRT. Then if the doctor feels that TRT can help, he or she will diagnose the patient with low T.
- The doctor can then write a prescription for the right medication and dosage. They will also create a tailor made treatment plan for the patient according to their specific medical needs.
Once all supplies are shipped directly and discreetly to the patient’s home or office, she will be ready to change her life for the better. All the while, she will have clinical advisor support and a licensed doctor’s medical supervision. Changes will show quickly and life will take on new meaning.