How Does Low Testosterone Influence Muscle Mass

There is a direct correlation between the amount of low testosterone and muscle mass loss in the human body. Several studies that were conducted and published in the Journal of Applied Physiology suggest that testosterone is the vital hormone that builds up muscle mass by increasing muscle protein synthesis. When testosterone levels are low, muscle mass will decrease and this will innately happen as a person ages.
Is testosterone related to muscle mass decrease as a man ages over 30? Yes.
An associate professor of medicine, endocrinology, bone disease and diabetes out of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City and the director of the Men’s Health Program at Mount Sinai Medical Center treats men with low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, osteoporosis and diabetes. He shared that testosterone increases muscle mass. He shared that,
“Muscle cells have receptors for testosterone called androgen receptors. When testosterone binds to the receptors, muscle fibers are maintained. Without testosterone, maintenance stops and muscle is degraded.”
The same specialist also shared,
“Testosterone replacement can have dramatic benefits. My patients report that libido and energy come back, and they can build more muscle mass. It can be transformative, not just for a patient’s sex life, but for his relationship and overall well-being,”
Greenberg Health is dedicated to helping those who are dealing with low T by offering the best kind of therapy for those whose testosterone levels and muscle mass have both suffered a loss.
Can Testosterone Therapy Help To Increase Muscle Mass
There have been many studies done on testosterone replacement therapy and muscle mass and they all have been conclusive that testosterone therapy does help to increase muscle when it depletes with age. The fact is that as testosterone decreases as a man ages and as a side effect of this, his muscles will deplete as well.
Loss of testosterone in the body will also cause:
- Loss of energy
- Loss of endurance and stamina
- Weakness and loss of strength
- Body, joint and muscle pain
- A slower metabolism
- Weight gain
- Low self esteem
- Depression
These are all factors that will stop a man from exercising, which will also cause a decrease in muscle mass. So additionally, the loss of testosterone causes the loss of muscle mass in an indirect way too.
Many people who begin testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are hoping to build their lost muscle mass that is due to aging and depleting hormones. They find that partaking in testosterone therapy with Greenberg Health works.
Research That Proves Testosterone Therapy Works For Building Muscle
Here is some research out of some highly prestigious journals that proves that testosterone therapy can help to increase muscle mass – and without exercise:
- The Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science published a study where subjects were given varying amounts of testosterone Enanthate (one of the top quality testosterone medications used by the best low T clinics in the US). Bringing testosterone levels to where they should be in an otherwise healthy male produced greater muscle gains.
- The American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism published an article that proved that testosterone injections increase muscle mass along with increasing strength and regulating other physiological processes of the body as well.
- A well known University researched the use of testosterone injections along with the subjects partaking in resistance training with heavy weights. This proved that testosterone and muscle mass muscle gain was apparent in those boosting their low T levels while exercising.
The Relationship Between Testosterone Injections And Muscle Mass
What is the relationship between testosterone injections and muscle mass? Increasing testosterone to the right levels with the right medications and the correct dosage delivered through injections will increase muscle gain.
How does a doctor know if a man’s muscle mass is declining because of low T? How does the doctor know what dosage of injectable medication to prescribe?
Patients working with Greenberg Health who come to us with one of many complaints being loss of muscle mass will first be tested for low T. Our clinical advisors will set up an appointment for them to go to a nearby local clinic or lab in their city for blood testing and a physical exam.
If their test results come back to claim the patient has low T, the licensed physician will prescribe testosterone in the form of injections. Test results, a physical exam and a medical history will give the prescribing doctor all the information he or she will need in order to prescribe very accurately according to what the patient needs.
Testosterone injections via delivery into the muscle is the only way to create change through testosterone replacement for muscle mass.
Do not be fooled by testosterone supplements, boosters or enhancers for TRT. They do not work. The only way to get true transformation with testosterone replacement therapy is by using injections.
Women will be prescribed a cream because they need a lot less testosterone than a man does. However, they still need their levels to be high enough and balanced in order to feel healthy and maintain their own healthy amount of muscle mass.
Injections are never to be delivered directly into a vein. This can be highly dangerous. They are to be given in one of the following areas:
- The deltoid muscles
- The muscles of the buttocks
- The muscles of the thighs
Injection sites should be rotated to avoid redness, swelling or itching at the site. This is the healthy way to participate in TRT. All clients will also receive full medical supervision from our expert licensed doctors.