Testosterone Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

Before turning to testosterone therapy for erectile dysfunction, it is essential that a man discovers if that is the cause of his problems in the bedroom. Low testosterone does not always mean erection problems. You can have Low T and not have issues with achieving a strong, lasting erection. Conversely, you can have ED and also have more than enough testosterone to fulfill your body’s daily requirements.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Here are the issues that fall into the ED category:
- Persistent difficulty achieving a firm erection
- Trouble maintaining a firm erection sufficient for sex
Some men view the loss of their morning erection, premature ejaculation, or inability to achieve a pleasurable orgasm as falling under the erectile dysfunction umbrella. While those issues do not fit the medical definition of ED, they are equal cause for concern if they are affecting one’s love life.
There are times when testosterone therapy and erectile dysfunction do go together. If a man is also experiencing symptoms associated with Low T, then there is a chance that his ED may be part of the overall picture. The significant symptoms of low testosterone include:
- Fatigue and poor endurance
- Weight gain
- Sluggish metabolism
- Muscle mass loss
- Decreased bone density
- Thinning or loss of hair
- High LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
- Foggy headedness and failing memory
- Impaired cognitive functions
- Depression and mood changes
- Anemia
- Increased anxiety
- Social isolation
- Low libido
How Low Testosterone Can Impact Erectile Functions
Low testosterone’s impact on erectile functions is complex and varies from one man to the next. For example, if a person has diabetes or smokes, a condition called atherosclerosis may contribute to the problem. Atherosclerosis occurs when the arteries lose elasticity and narrow due to clogging that inhibits blood flow to the penis. It is also important to point out that men with diabetes have a greater risk of being diagnosed with Low T.
In this case, the use of testosterone therapy in erectile dysfunction can help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels to help unblock the arteries and increase penile blood flow. Additionally, testosterone helps to increase red blood cell production that will also enhance circulation.
Another offshoot of diabetes is neuropathy or nerve damage which can affect erectile functions. With testosterone therapy causing erectile dysfunction reversal, we also see better glycemic control that can help reduce the effects of diabetes on the body.
For men with Low T, using testosterone to cure erectile dysfunction may also help if a person has high blood pressure as this can impair blood flow by damaging the arteries of the vascular system. Most men with high blood pressure and low testosterone see a drop in their numbers as improved circulation results from treatment with testosterone therapy.
Benefits of Testosterone for ED
Many benefits exist for men using testosterone replacement therapy for erectile dysfunction after they have been diagnosed with Low T. Because emotional health also plays a role in sexual desire and arousal, restoring positive mood and outlook is a crucial step in the right direction. Depression is common in people with low testosterone levels. They tend to feel agitated, withdraw socially from activities they once enjoyed, and experience mood alterations and increased stress.
As part of the benefits of testosterone treatment for erectile dysfunction, we find that these emotional upheavals begin to disappear. Mental health improves, as does the desire to socialize with others and engage in hobbies or other activities once enjoyed.
It is crucial to point out that there is one time when using testosterone therapy is not beneficial for erectile functions, and that is in men who engage in this practice for the purpose of bulking up their muscles or enhancing athletic abilities. Using testosterone illegally when the body is not deficient can have an adverse impact on erectile functions. Only those people who have been tested and diagnosed with Low T can benefit from the use of testosterone therapy.
For men with Low T, testosterone therapy can have restorative benefits for erectile functions, and the results can begin to appear within a few weeks of starting treatment for some people.
To find out more about testosterone therapy as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, please contact the hormone specialists at Greenberg Health for a confidential consultation at no charge.