Low Testosterone Treatment: Benefits, Side Effects, Options

Low testosterone treatment provides many benefits for men and women diagnosed with testosterone deficiency. However, there are also side effects to be cognizant of, just as with any medication or supplement.
What is a testosterone treatment, and who needs it?
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medically supervised approach to increasing the level of the hormone testosterone in the body. Low testosterone treatment is beneficial for adults who have a combination of clinically diagnosed low testosterone levels accompanied by symptoms of the decline. Testosterone treatment effects are negligible for people who do not have low levels of testosterone or signs of testosterone deficiency.
Unfortunately, many of the people who should seek information about testosterone treatment online fail to do so because they do not recognize the symptoms of Low T. Many physicians also do not equate issues such as weight gain, forgetfulness, fatigue, insomnia, and low libido as signs of hormonal deficiencies. They are too quick to dismiss them as natural signs of aging. We caution men and women with concerns over changes in their health, sleep patterns, weight, mood, appearance, or brain functions to contact a hormone specialist to discuss the potential benefits of TRT.
Low testosterone treatment can benefit adults suffering from symptoms associated with declining testosterone levels.
Benefits of Low Testosterone Treatment
Testosterone is a critical hormone for men and women. It protects the bones from becoming brittle with age, the muscles from weakening, and the brain from decline. Testosterone supports metabolic functions that influence weight and glucose levels. As an androgen hormone, testosterone enhances sexual function and fertility in men and women. Low testosterone treatment supports all the same functions as naturally produced testosterone except one – male fertility. We will discuss that in the next section.
When contacting a testosterone treatment doctor, you can expect a thorough review of your medical history and current physical exam, blood analysis, and discussion of any symptoms you might have. That will help guide the prescribed testosterone therapy to ensure superior results.
Testosterone treatment benefits include:
- Improved sex drive
- Increased red blood cell production
- Deeper, more restful sleep
- Better muscle tone, strength, and bone density
- Loss of excess belly fat
- Enhanced brain functions, including focus, memory, mental sharpness, and processing
- More energy – less fatigue
- Better hair growth
- Increased motivation
- Reduced feelings of depression and stress
- Happier mood
- More positive outlook
- Better vaginal lubrication for more satisfying sex (women)
- Decreased symptoms of PMS and menopause (fewer hot flashes and night sweats)
- Improved erectile functions and stronger orgasms
- Increased productivity
- Lower triglyceride, LDL, and total cholesterol levels
- More normalized blood pressure levels
- Improved cardiac capacity for exercise
- Better insulin sensitivity and cellular uptake of circulating glucose
Because of the changes in body composition and appearance, we recommend taking testosterone treatment before and after pictures to help document your results.
The benefits of low testosterone treatment include weight loss, stronger bones and muscles, improved memory, and happier mood.
Side Effects of Low Testosterone Treatment
Side effects of low testosterone treatment are rare as hormone doctors customize the treatment based on how much testosterone the body needs. Most people who use TRT never notice any adverse reactions.
Is testosterone treatment safe if my hormone levels are normal?
Testosterone usage by people with normal hormone levels increases the risk of adverse reactions. Just as it is not healthy to have very low testosterone levels, having too much also increases many risk factors, including those associated with prostate cancer in men, heart attacks, and strokes. Those are not side effects, but rather significant health concerns that can come from abusing testosterone therapy. We see these issues, along with aggressive behavior, risk-taking actions, and infertility in men who use testosterone illegal for sports enhancement or bodybuilding purposes.
That brings up the subject of male fertility that we touched on before. While supplemental testosterone fulfills almost all the same functions as natural testosterone, it cannot enter the testes to exert its effects on maturing sperm cells. Only testicular testosterone can support spermatogenesis. Because testosterone therapy can signal a reduction in testosterone production in the testes, men at the stage in their life who are trying to conceive a child with their partner should discuss other options with the hormone specialist. Clomid is a medication that can help stimulate testicular testosterone production to aid fertility actions.
The most common testosterone treatment side effects include:
- Oily skin or acne
- Worsening of sleep apnea
- Mild fluid retention causing swelling in the feet or ankles
- Testicular atrophy or shrinkage
- Male breast tenderness or enlargement (gynecomastia)

Testosterone injections used by men may cause minor, short-term pain, irritation, swelling, or redness at the injection site.
Transdermal testosterone gels and patches increase the risk of cross-contamination to others, rash, or other skin reactions.
Transbuccal testosterone tablets may cause a bitter taste, gum pain, tenderness, and increase the risk of liver toxicity if accidentally swallowed.
Implantable testosterone pellets may lead to bruising, swelling, infection, or hematoma (rare blood clot under the skin). If a person has an adverse reaction to the pellets, they are difficult to remove. Conversely, implanted pellets could work their way out of the body from under the skin, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.
Low testosterone treatment rarely caused side effects when properly prescribed and supervised by a hormone specialist.
Options for Low Testosterone Treatment for Men and Women
All the options for low testosterone treatment mentioned in the side effects section above are considered relatively safe and effective. After many years of treating men and women for the symptoms of low testosterone, our doctors have determined the following to be the best options for boosting testosterone levels:
- Men: the best option for testosterone treatment for men is injectable testosterone. Our hormone specialists prescribe either testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, or a customized blend of the two medications dependent on each man’s individualized needs. Best of all, this is a low-cost, once-a-week treatment in most cases.
- Women: the best testosterone treatment for women is testosterone cream. Once the doctor determines the necessary strength and dosage for each woman, the prescription is forwarded to a specialized compounding pharmacy where it is prepared to those specifications.
The best options for low testosterone treatment are testosterone injections for men and testosterone cream for women.
Is Low Testosterone Treatment Covered By Insurance?
Today, insurers offer many different types of health care policies. It is impossible to know what every plan covers. For those individuals asking, is testosterone treatment covered by insurance, we recommend contacting your provider to inquire about the provided coverage.
While many people will find that low testosterone treatment is not included in their insurance policies, we have good news.
The answer to the question, is testosterone treatment expensive, is no, the cost of testosterone treatment is extremely affordable. The type of treatment, dosage prescribed, and frequency of administration are the factors that influence testosterone treatment cost. One of our medical advisors will be happy to discuss the particulars of treatment with you based on your needs.
How do I get testosterone treatment near me?
By contacting our testosterone treatment center here at Greenberg Health hormone clinic, you can receive diagnostic testing and treatment for a variety of hormonal imbalances. Men and women with concerns over hormone decline can contact us by phone or completion of the short form on this page for a free phone consultation.