How Can You Check Your Testosterone Levels

The smartest, safest and most accurate way how to check testosterone levels in blood is to do it through an honest and reputable clinic such as Greenberg Health. Our trained professionals know exactly where to send prospective patients to get just the right blood testing done for an accurate reading of their hormonal levels.
In order for anyone over 30 to be able to participate in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and to rid of their unfavorable ailments is to have bona fide low T. The way how to determine testosterone levels is through simple blood work.
The first step is to call our clinic and speak with one of our expert clinical advisors. He or she will be the one to set you up in a qualified clinic right in your own city to get your blood work completed. You will also get a physical examination there.
How to know if your testosterone levels are low? Blood work is what you will need.
Blood work and a physical exam along with a medical history are mandated for legal TRT in order to find out how to know testosterone levels. This is the information that licensed doctor will need in order to make a proper diagnosis of low T. Additionally, they will need this data in order to write a correct prescription and to develop an accurate treatment plan for therapy. They will know how to check if your testosterone levels are low by analyzing your blood test results when they are sent back to Greenberg Health.
What Is Involved In Checking Testosterone Levels For Low T
The process for checking testosterone levels for low T is easy. Here are the steps of the blood test that is mandated:
- Sitting comfortably in a chair, you will expose the palm side of your hand and arm by laying it on a flat surface.
- The practitioner will wrap a rubber band around the upper part of the arm in order to stop the blood flow and to engorge the veins in the elbow area.
- The practitioner will clean the area with an alcohol pad.
- A thin needle will be inserted into a vein and blood will be drawn out into test tubes.
- Once enough blood has been retrieved, the needle will be gently removed.
- A cotton ball will cover the area and a bandage will be put over the area.
That is all that is involved in the blood work that is need for how to check your testosterone levels. The entire process takes only about five minutes in most cases and is made extremely convenient for the client. As mentioned, the advisor will set the patient up in a nearby local clinic in their city and it is only a one time visit to get checked out. The rest of therapy will be done from home.
Can You Get Low T Injections Without Checking Testosterone Levels
It is never legal or safe to get low T injections without checking testosterone levels first for the need for added testosterone to the body. The reason is because the body only needs a certain amount of testosterone to function optimally. Giving it too much can be dangerous and not giving it enough can be pointless. Therefore, getting tested to see where your levels are is imperative. Blood testing is the only way how to determine if testosterone levels are low.
Plus, the law mandates testing. Only when a doctor knows that a person has a bona fide testosterone deficiency can he or she write a legal prescription for bio-identical injections. Only when a deficiency is discovered through testing can the doctor know what medication will be best and what dosage to prescribe.
The physical examination portion of the face to face medical visit is very important as well. Why? The reason is because this will tell the physician in charge if a person is healthy enough for TRT. Patients must not only share their past medical history, but any current medical conditions with which they are dealing as well. This will be done by filling out an online form that will be securely sent back to the clinic over the Internet. The reason for all the testing is to make sure that the safest treatment plan is created for each patient.
So, how to check low testosterone levels? The only way is through blood testing. Getting testosterone injections without this blood test is illegal and can be extremely risky.
About Free testosterone levels
Free testosterone levels are the amount of testosterone hormone that is in the body and not bound to any proteins in the blood stream. This is what makes them “free.” When levels become low with age, negative symptoms can begin to surface such as:
Lethargy | Sleep disturbances |
No energy | Weak skin elasticity |
Lack of desire for sexual activity | Wrinkles |
Erectile dysfunction | Crow’s feet |
Hot flashes | Sagging skin |
Night sweats | Balding or thinning hair |
Low sperm count | Nails do not grow |
Inability to achieve orgasm | Difficulty recovering from exercise |
Loss of memory | Weight gain (mostly belly fat) |
Loss of concentration and focus | Loss of lean muscle mass |
High cholesterol and triglyceride levels | Depression |
A higher risk for stroke, heart attack and diabetes | Anxiety |
Low bone mineral density | Irritability |
Higher risk for bone fractures, breaks or osteoporosis | Mood swings |
A weak immune system | An overall foggy mental feeling |
Difficulty fighting infections, the common cold and the flu | Agitation |
Difficulty with healing wounds | Overall lack of emotional stability |
Poor eyesight | Lack of desire for most things in life |
Poor sleep | Disruptions in personal and social relationships |
Job trouble |
Getting free testosterone levels back to normal and balanced correctly with TRT is what will rid of the above mentioned symptoms and make a person feel whole again. Doctors who know how to check low testosterone levels will be able to replace the missing hormone with bio-identical injections and make a person feel as though he or she is in their 20’s again.
Free testosterone levels can be checked easily with the right clinic. Greenberg Health knows how to check male testosterone levels and will lead a patient through the process with ease.
What Is The Cost To Check Testosterone Levels
Clients may have questions about how much does it cost to check testosterone levels. The cost for testing is included in the entire program. When you work with Greenberg Health, we give you one total cost for everything that is involved in a testosterone replacement therapy protocol. This will depend upon which medications are being used, how much and for how long.
So, for the cost of TRT, a patient will get:
- Free first consultation with an advisor to talk about free testosterone levels and how the depletion is causing symptoms
- Testing to check testosterone levels
- A diagnosis
- A prescription
- The best top quality medications on the market
- A tailor made treatment plan
- Medical supervision
- Support from clinical advisors
With Greenberg Medical, you will be on the path to great health both on the inside and on the outside. It will help to bring back your energy and vigor while at the same time lifting your self esteem and self worth to feel like a new, happier and healthier person.