Progesterone Therapy Side Effects

Progesterone therapy side effects are rare when therapy is done correctly. As long as a patient is working with a reputable clinic that provides top quality medications, tests correctly, has doctors who diagnose and prescribe accurately and provide medical supervision, patients should be safe. Every once in a while a prescription may be off or a patient may experience an allergic reaction to their injections. This is why it is important to be aware of the possible progesterone replacement therapy side effects.
Here are progesterone replacement therapy side effects that have been reported by patients who have had difficulties with treatment:
Skin problems
One of the most complained about side effects and the ones that one might see before any others has to do with the skin. People who are having an allergic reaction to a medication might develop a rash anywhere on their body. They may also break out in hives, acne, redness, irritation or itching. Jaundice or yellowing of the skin is a common side effect as well.
A patient can also experience swelling in many possible areas. Swelling has been reported to occur with the hands, feet, ankles, face, mouth, tongue, gums and lips. Irritation at the injection site is also a sign that something may not be right.
As mentioned before, any of these skin conditions could be a first sign that an allergy to your medication is present. Therefore, a patient who experiences any of these possible progesterone hormone therapy side effects should discontinue use of their injections and call their clinical advisor immediately.
Digestive system issues
More side effects from progesterone therapy that are often very common if there is a problem are digestive system issues. These can include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, loose stool, stomach cramping, increased thirst or hunger, no appetite at all, blood in urine or stool or a darker than normal colored urine or stool. Sometimes urination becomes difficult. Discontinue use of injections if these side effects occur and call your clinical advisor.
Cardiovascular issues
These cardiovascular progesterone hormone replacement therapy side effects can be even more serious. They do not give more mild warning signs such as a rash or hives. These problems consist of heart palpitations, a slowed or quickened heart rate, chest pressure, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty with breathing or shortness of breath.
These side effects may cause the need to visit the emergency room. If any of them do occur, you are advised to discontinue using your injections. Then you can make your best informed decision as to whether you want to call your clinical advisor to report the problem or travel to the emergency room at your local hospital.
Sexual side effects
Sexual side effects from an allergic reaction to progesterone therapy can occur and can be uncomfortable. These are most likely not life threatening, but can cause problems in relationships and are signs that something is not going right with therapy.
A person can experience erectile dysfunction or prolonged erections, the inability to have an orgasm, vaginal dryness, severe hot flashes, severe night sweats and the complete loss of sexual desire and sexual libido. As one can imagine, these problems can greatly affect their daily lives.
In addition, a patient can experience breast pain, swollen breast tissue with extreme tenderness, a lower and deeper voice, shrinking testicles and balding or thinning hair.
Mental and emotional state of mind issues
Mental and emotional issues caused by negative progesterone therapy side effects can include major depression, anxiety, irritability and agitation. A person can suffer with the inability to control anger outbursts. They may experience dysphoria, euphoria or paranoia.
Problems can occur with loss of memory, short term and long term, the inability to concentrate and difficulty focusing. A person can find themselves walking around with a foggy feeling and a disconnection from others and from their surroundings. These issues can cause major withdrawal from others, including family and social networks. A patient can find themselves crying uncontrollably, shaking and trembling.
Discontinue using injections if your emotional and mental state becomes compromised. Side effects can be extremely uncomfortable and alter ones daily schedule impeding upon caretaking of family, one’s job, etc.
Some other progesterone therapy benefits are compromised vision, disturbed sleeping patterns or insomnia and slow replacement and restoration of cells and tissues. Some issues with the mouth can include ulcerations in the mouth, a fruity smell to the breath or taste in the mouth, bad breath, toothache and painful gums.
What To Do If You Experience Progesterone Therapy Side Effects
Patients should always stay in close touch with their clinical advisor whether they are having a great progesterone therapy experience or if they are experiencing progesterone therapy side effects. This will greatly minimize the risk of full blown problems that can become dangerous. How? By catching issues as soon as they occur.
If patients report problems immediately, clinical advisors can reach out to our doctors and prescriptions can be altered or changed quickly. Always remember that advisors are available for questions or concerns and to share any issues that come up during treatment. If it is outside of regular business hours, patients can make a trip to their local emergency room if they are having problems. This is always the best bet to make sure that nothing more serious occurs.
Do You Need A Prescription To Avoid Progesterone Therapy Side Effects
Although it is not always possible to avoid progesterone therapy side effects, with the amount of the inauthentic medications being sold on the black market, from overseas and from illegitimate clinics, it is more important than ever to get a legal prescription for injections. The US government does their best to control the sale, distribution and use of these medications, but is not always possible to catch all unsafe and dangerous vendors.
This is one of the reasons that patients must take their health into their own hands in order to protect themselves from progesterone replacement therapy side effects. Make sure that the clinic you use requires testing to make sure a progesterone deficiency is present and that they use trained clinical advisors, licensed doctors in endocrinology or a related medical field and only use top quality medications. Doctors must provide medical supervision to help minimize the risk of experiencing side effects and to quickly change medications or dosages if necessary.
The clinic you choose must have doctors that analyze your test results and medical information in order to create the perfect prescription and treatment plan for your unique needs. Following all of these important parts of a hormone replacement therapy clinic can help avoid progesterone therapy side effects and create positive and life changing transformations.